Saturday, February 27, 2010


Attempting to find a possible answer to the question: why the religion of peyote is but briefly mentioned in S. Momaday book, I found the following link, while I am not sure whether it is exact information:
It comes from a book written about peyote ceremonies and the author explains these ceremonies differ from tribes to tribes. He mentions the Kiowas and Comanches, that this "cult" of peyote came more than likely from Mexico and from the tribes in that area. It was not supported by the US government.

This next link explains somewhat more about the origin of the veneration for the small cactus and that the huichol and the Aztec knew about the peyote, linking it with the belief that it embodies the creator's heart. It seems that the ceremonies and sacramental use of the cactus were considered diabolical by the Spanish inquisition.
This piece of writing goes on describing how when the Kiowas and others were bound to the reservations, and not free, the peyote rituals expanded.
I do not know if these could be reasons for Momaday not to expand or if also it could be because the rituals were in fact to be private or personal experiences not to be shared with others but meant to be kept to oneself? These were considered spiritual experiences and not just events to have induced visions.

Any ideas?

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