Saturday, February 27, 2010


On Momaday resources, I found one of his interviews and here is what he says about poetry:
I am so delighted to read the words below, as it sums up what I think too about the art of poetry and writing. I always have had the easiest time to write poems, haikus are some of my favorites and yet I do not write or take the time to do so, because I am under the impression that poetry is not valued nor recognized as an art and is not read as much.
To me, poetry is like music.
I think that Momaday's writings are imbued with poetry.

Poetry is the crown of literature. I think it's the highest of the literary arts. To write a great poem is to do as much as you can do in literature. Everything has to be very precise. The poem has to be informed with motive and emotion. You're bringing to bear everything that literature is based upon when you write a poem. A poem, if it succeeds, brings together the best of your intelligence, the best of your articulation, the best of your emotion. And that is the highest goal of literature, I suppose. I think of myself as a poet, I'd rather be a poet than a novelist, or some other sort of writer. I think I'm more recognized as a novelist, simply because I won a prize. But I write poetry consistently, though slowly. And it seems to be the thing that I want to do best. I would rather be a poet than a novelist, because I think it's on a slightly higher plane. You know, poets are the people who really are the most insightful among us. They stand in the best position to enlighten us, and encourage, and inspire us. What better thing could you be than a poet? That's how I think of it.

1 comment:

  1. Great posting, Brigitte. As a poet, I'm always interested in comments on the subject, and I agree that Momaday's got a poet's touch.
